Code: -------------- Players: -------- World: -- Cash:
"HHGGFFDDCCBB" -- Thug, Preacher -------- 1 ---- 50000
"LQPBK8JWDNBY" -- Thug, Preacher -------- 2 ---- 40000
"8H8BKOSWQY7H" -- Thug, Preacher -------- 3 ---- 30000
"P28BKM6XMWWK" -- Thug, Preacher -------- 4 ---- 30000
"JJHHGGFFDDCC" -- Navvie, Brigand ------- 1 ---- 10000
"VVVVVVVVVVVV" -- Brigand, Mercenary ---- 1 ---- 30000
"PKJKDL1#DFD4" -- Brigand, Mercenary ---- 4 ---- 20000
"XXXXXXXXXXXX" -- Gentleman, Navvie ----- 1 ---- 30000
"YYYYYYYYYYYY" -- Thug, Gentleman ------- 1 ---- 20000
"TTTTTTTTTTTT" -- Mercenary, Gentleman -- 1 ---- 45000
- Shoot node1, pick up silver key, this opens the trees. Go right
then down then ALL the way right, you should find a small room and
a gold key; pick it up to open secret door below. Only 1 exit.
- Shoot first node, pick SILVER KEY1, a bridge appears on rock
platform. Follow bridge and pickup GOLD KEY1 at the bottom/left
edge of the rock platform. Another bridge appears, go up and pick
up GOLD KEY2. Go down platform, go to the right (dont go up the
first bridge you find). Once all the way right, go up, pickup GOLD
KEY3 and don't pick up SILVER KEY2 yet; go right instead to secret
room. Go back and pick SILVER KEY2, opening yet another bridge.
Follow bridge, you may pick GOLD KEY4 in middle of waters if you
wish. Once you reach the nodes, shoot 1nd one, go up toward exit,
pick up GOLD KEY5 to the right, go down newly formed stairs and
shoot node3, exit.
- Go down and pick GOLD KEY1 behind small rockface to create stairs
further down the road. Go up (right/up or back and then up/r/up).
When you reach the circle with the dynamite, bugs will appear, use
dynamite then; pickup GOLD RING that appeared. Go up rock ring,
pickup GOLD KEY3, blast monsters below, go down again. Shoot
SILVER PILLAR, go up, shoot node1, go up/right, pickup GOLD KEY4
and shoot node2. Go left until you reach a room (down) containing
SILVER KEY2. pick it up to open room to the right (backstep) with
node3 and SILVER KEY3. Dont pick SILVER KEY3 yet, shoot node3.
SILVER KEY4 appears below you, pick it up and go back to room where
you found SILVER KEY3. A new passage to the right should be open,
go there and pickup GOLD KEY5, another passage will open to the far
left, going down to a row of pillars. Go there, shoot ALL pillar,
some will leave stuff. Go all the way down and pickup GOLD KEY6.
Then go back UP and pickup SILVER KEY5. Go right and pickup GOLD
RING. Find node4, shoot it and follow the new passage to GOLD
KEY6. Pickup GOLD KEY6, and you can now exit from A or B.
- I'd need to draw a map for this one! But, when you reach the end of
this level, you need to shoot one of 2 pillars to progress. Shoot
the one to the right, this'll open up stairs behind you to reach
the secret 'cavity' below...